Mastering 6 syllables (Words List, names, Free Worksheets)
What are the 6 types of syllables? 6 syllable names are listed below:
- Closed Syllable
- Open Syllable
- Silent-E Syllable
- Vowel Team Syllable
- R-Controlled Syllable
- Consonant-le Syllable
Syllables are an essential part of English pronunciation and word formation. Practicing them helps learners break down words into smaller, manageable chunks.
In this post, we’ll explore the 6 types of syllables, provide examples, and even dive into a 6-syllable words list to enhance your learning experience.
If you’re curious about 6 syllable words ending in -ing or looking for unique 6-syllable names, keep reading!
Why Understanding Syllables Matters
Every English word is built on one or more syllables. There are six main types of syllables that you should know. Understanding syllables is more than just a pronunciation exercise it helps in:
- Improving reading fluency.
- Expanding your vocabulary.
- Building confidence in speaking English.
When you know how to break down 6-syllable words, you can tackle new words with ease.
What Are The 6 Types Of Syllables?
Syllable | Example |
1. Closed Syllable | Ends with a consonant and has a short vowel sound. Example: cat, basket, napkin. |
2. Open Syllable | Ends with a vowel, and the vowel sound is long. Example: go, pilot, paper. |
3. Silent-E Syllable | Ends with a vowel-consonant-e, where the “e” is silent, and the vowel before it is long. Example: cake, time, lake. |
4. Vowel Team Syllable | Two vowels working together to create one sound. Example: team, boat, rain. |
5. R-Controlled Syllable | A vowel followed by the letter “r,” which changes the sound of the vowel. Example: car, bird, butter. |
6. Consonant-le Syllable | Found at the end of words, consisting of a consonant followed by “le.” Example: candle, table, jungle. |
6 Syllable Words List
To pronounce these words correctly, try breaking them into syllables e.g., un-be-liev-a-ble (5 syllables) and re-spon-si-bil-i-ty (6 syllables).
100 Example Of 6 Syllable Words List
Word | Breakdown (Syllables) |
Misidentification | Mis-i-den-ti-fi-ca-tion |
Superintelligence | Su-per-in-tel-li-gence |
Overqualification | O-ver-qual-i-fi-ca-tion |
Hyperrationalization | Hy-per-ra-tion-al-i-za-tion |
Underrepresentation | Un-der-rep-re-sen-ta-tion |
Microorganism | Mi-cro-or-gan-ism |
Antifederalist | An-ti-fed-er-al-ist |
Electromechanical | E-lec-tro-me-chan-i-cal |
Counterproductive | Coun-ter-pro-duc-tive |
Hyperconsciousness | Hy-per-con-scious-ness |
Reinterpretation | Re-in-ter-pre-ta-tion |
Supernaturalism | Su-per-nat-u-ral-ism |
Overstandardization | O-ver-stand-ard-i-za-tion |
Hypersexualization | Hy-per-sex-u-al-i-za-tion |
Misclassification | Mis-clas-si-fi-ca-tion |
Internationalization | In-ter-na-tion-al-i-za-tion |
Overresponsibility | O-ver-re-spon-si-bil-i-ty |
Subcategorization | Sub-cat-e-go-ri-za-tion |
Electrobiological | E-lec-tro-bi-o-log-i-cal |
Counterrevolutionary | Coun-ter-rev-o-lu-tion-a-ry |
Reorganization | Re-or-gan-i-za-tion |
Hyperstandardization | Hy-per-stand-ard-i-za-tion |
Disqualification | Dis-qual-i-fi-ca-tion |
Biogeographical | Bi-o-ge-o-graph-i-cal |
Overgeneralization | O-ver-gen-er-al-i-za-tion |
Reestablishment | Re-es-tab-lish-ment |
Misrepresentation | Mis-rep-re-sen-ta-tion |
Superresponsibility | Su-per-re-spon-si-bil-i-ty |
Counterclassification | Coun-ter-clas-si-fi-ca-tion |
Misunderrepresentation | Mis-un-der-rep-re-sen-ta-tion |
Hyperindividualistic | Hy-per-in-di-vid-u-al-is-tic |
Subinstitutionalization | Sub-in-sti-tu-tion-al-i-za-tion |
Overinterpretation | O-ver-in-ter-pre-ta-tion |
Electromechanically | E-lec-tro-me-chan-i-cal-ly |
Disenfranchisement | Dis-en-fran-chise-ment |
Supernaturalistically | Su-per-nat-u-ral-is-ti-cal-ly |
Overemotionalization | O-ver-e-mo-tion-al-i-za-tion |
Antidisestablishment | An-ti-dis-es-tab-lish-ment |
Counteradministration | Coun-ter-ad-min-is-tra-tion |
Misindustrialization | Mis-in-dus-tri-al-i-za-tion |
Hyperconventionalism | Hy-per-con-ven-tion-al-ism |
Subrepresentationalism | Sub-rep-re-sen-ta-tion-al-ism |
Reindustrialization | Re-in-dus-tri-al-i-za-tion |
Overinterpretational | O-ver-in-ter-pre-ta-tion-al |
Misconceptualization | Mis-con-cep-tu-al-i-za-tion |
Internationalistically | In-ter-na-tion-al-is-ti-cal-ly |
This completes the 100 six-syllable words list! Feel free to use this list for pronunciation practice, word exploration, or English learning activities.
Do you need to print this list for Classroom or Practice? You can print it easily in Microsoft Word.
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Step 2 (Paste and Print)
Open MS Word from your computer and Paste the copied text into the document using shortcut Ctrl+V and Click Ctrl+P for print command
Read More: 100+ Doesn’t Have To Sentences Examples
15 Examples of 6 Syllable Names
- Isabella-Marie
- Michelangelo
- Alexandria-Rose
- Anastasia-Lynn
- Leonardo-Alexei
- Maximilian-James
- Olivia-Evangeline
- Seraphina-Maybelline
- Christopher-Josephine
- Gabriella-Christina
- Penelope-Arabella
- Victoria-Isabelle
- Nathaniel-Oliver
- Arabella-Madeline
- Julian-Alexander
6 Syllable Words Ending in -ing
Word | Breakdown (Syllables) |
Misunderstanding | Mis-un-der-stand-ing |
Overcompensating | O-ver-com-pen-sat-ing |
Discombobulating | Dis-com-bob-u-lat-ing |
Underestimating | Un-der-es-ti-mat-ing |
Overgeneralizing | O-ver-gen-er-al-iz-ing |
Misrepresenting | Mis-rep-re-sent-ing |
Overanalyzing | O-ver-an-a-lyz-ing |
Reconfiguring | Re-con-fig-u-ring |
Overemphasizing | O-ver-em-pha-siz-ing |
Miscalculating | Mis-cal-cu-lat-ing |
Disqualifying | Dis-qual-i-fy-ing |
Reinterpreting | Re-in-ter-pret-ing |
Overindulging | O-ver-in-dul-ging |
Disenfranchising | Dis-en-fran-chis-ing |
Underperforming | Un-der-per-form-ing |
Read More: 160 Sentences With The Word Go And Going
6 Syllable Types Worksheets (Free)
Do you need to print this 6 Syllable Types Worksheets for Classroom or Practice? You can print it easily in Microsoft Word. Just Follow the steps below-
Step 1. Download the Pdf file by clicking on it
Step 2: Open the the with a Pdf reader and click print icon from top of the document. You should connect an active printer for printing this pdf file.
Final Thoughts
Mastering the 6 types of syllables is a crucial step in becoming fluent in English.
By learning to identify syllables in words like those in our 6 syllable words list, you’ll not only improve your speaking skills but also make reading more enjoyable.
Whether you’re practicing 6 syllable names or experimenting with 6 syllable words ending in -ing, remember to break them into manageable parts and practice daily.
Keep exploring and expanding your vocabulary—English learning becomes easier with consistent effort!