Let’s Play Interrogative Adjectives Quiz for Kindergarten
Hello, and welcome to another informative test on English grammar!
This quiz will focus explicitly on Interrogative Adjectives. These adjectives, such as which, what, and whose, are used to ask questions and modify a noun in the process.
They help us inquire about specific things, people, or ideas. Test your knowledge with interrogative adjectives quiz For each sentence, choose the correct interrogative adjective. Let’s see how many correct answers you can select.
Best of luck to you!
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The End
Interrogative adjectives are adjectives used to ask questions. They are placed before nouns to inquire about specific information regarding the noun. The three most common interrogative adjectives in English are Which, What, Whose.
Interrogative adjectives modify a noun and help form a question by specifying more about the subject being asked about.
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