5 New Words In English With Hindi Meaning And Sentences

“Check out 5 exciting new English words for kids! With meanings, easy examples, and Hindi translations, this guide makes learning fun and builds vocabulary fast!”

Learn this amazing English words every kid will love! With easy meanings, fun sentences, and Hindi translations, learning new words has never been this fun! So let’s start learning.

5 Exciting New Words in English Every Kid Should Know!

5 New Words In English With Hindi Meaning And Sentences

Learning new words can be a fun adventure! English is a language with thousands of words, and learning even a few new ones can help you express yourself better, understand stories more deeply, and impress your friends and teachers.

Today, let’s look at five cool new words with their meanings and some fun examples that you can try using in your everyday life. Ready to explore? Let’s dive in!

1. Ephemeral

Meaning: Ephemeral means something that lasts only a very short time. Think of a flower that blooms beautifully but only for one day, or the magical colors of a rainbow that appear after rain and then vanish quickly. Those things are ephemeral because they don’t last long.

Example Sentence: The beauty of the butterfly was ephemeral; it flew away within minutes.
Hindi: तितली की सुंदरता क्षणभंगुर थी; यह कुछ ही मिनटों में उड़ गई।

Imagine It: Picture yourself blowing a bubble with soap. The bubble floats up, shines with many colors in the sunlight, and then pop—it’s gone! That’s ephemeral.

Try This: Think about something you see every day that is ephemeral. Maybe it’s the sunset or the foam in a soda can. Use “ephemeral” to describe it.

2. Serendipity

Meaning: Serendipity means finding something nice by chance when you aren’t even looking for it!

For example, imagine you’re walking in the park, and you suddenly find a beautiful flower or a shiny rock. You didn’t plan to find it, but it makes you happy anyway.

Example Sentence: Meeting my friend at the zoo was pure serendipity because neither of us knew the other would be there!
Hindi: चिड़ियाघर में अपनी दोस्त से मिलना शुद्ध संयोग था क्योंकि हम दोनों में से किसी को नहीं पता था कि दूसरा वहाँ होगा!

Imagine It: Have you ever found a coin on the ground or a toy you thought was lost? That’s serendipity—it’s like a happy surprise!

Try This: Next time you find something you didn’t expect, say, “What a serendipitous moment!” and think about how lucky you are to have found it by chance.

3. Euphoria

Meaning: Euphoria is a feeling of intense happiness and excitement. Think of the best day you’ve ever had—maybe you got a new bike, went to an amusement park, or had the yummiest ice cream. That feeling of complete joy is called euphoria.

Example Sentence: I felt euphoria when I won the school’s drawing contest because it was my first big win!
Hindi: मुझे स्कूल की ड्रॉइंग प्रतियोगिता जीतने पर अत्यधिक खुशी का अहसास हुआ क्योंकि यह मेरी पहली बड़ी जीत थी!

Imagine It: Remember how you feel when your birthday arrives? You get presents, there’s cake, and your friends and family are around to celebrate with you. That joyful, happy feeling is euphoria.

Try This: Think about what makes you feel euphoric. Is it a favorite sport, a friend’s visit, or maybe a family trip? Next time you feel super happy, say, “I feel euphoric!”

4. Nostalgia

Meaning: Nostalgia is the feeling of remembering something happy from the past. Have you ever looked at old photos of when you were little or thought about a fun vacation from years ago?

If you felt warm and happy about those memories, you were feeling nostalgia.

Example Sentence: When I looked at my baby photos, I felt nostalgia for the times when I was tiny and everyone loved to hold me.
Hindi: जब मैंने अपनी बचपन की तस्वीरें देखीं, तो मुझे उन दिनों की याद आई जब मैं छोटा था और हर कोई मुझे गोद में लेना पसंद करता था।

Imagine It: Imagine a favorite toy or game you used to play with. Maybe you don’t play with it anymore, but when you see it, you remember the happy times you had. That’s nostalgia!

Try This: Think about something that makes you feel nostalgic. It could be an old toy, a favorite book, or a memory from a holiday. Tell a friend or family member, “This brings back so much nostalgia!”

5. Ineffable

Meaning: Ineffable describes something so amazing or beautiful that it’s hard to put into words.

Sometimes, when we see something incredible, like a breathtaking view from a mountaintop or a beautiful sunset, words can’t fully describe how awesome it is. That’s ineffable.

Example Sentence: The view of the ocean from the top of the cliff was ineffable—it was so beautiful, I couldn’t find the right words!
Hindi: चट्टान के ऊपर से समुद्र का दृश्य अवर्णनीय था—यह इतना सुंदर था कि मेरे पास इसे बयां करने के लिए शब्द नहीं थे!

Imagine It: Think about the time you saw something so cool that all you could say was “Wow!” It might have been a huge aquarium, a tall waterfall, or fireworks in the sky. That feeling of being speechless is ineffable.

Try This: Next time you see something that amazes you and leaves you without words, think to yourself, “This is ineffable!”

Let’s Use These 5 New Words in Daily Life!

Use These 5 New Words in Daily Life!

Now that you know these five words, let’s talk about how you can start using them. Here are some fun ways to practice these new words and make them part of your daily life:

1. Create a “New Word” Journal

Write each new word in a journal and make a drawing to match it. For example, for “ephemeral,” you could draw a rainbow or a bubble.

Each time you learn a new word, add it to your journal. Try writing a sentence with the word and even add translations or meanings in other languages like Hindi or your regional language.

2. Make a Story

Choose two or more of the words and create a short story. Here’s a start: “One day, I was walking in the park when I had a moment of serendipity and found a pretty shell.

It made me feel euphoric, but I knew that the happiness would be ephemeral because the day would soon end…”

3. Play a Word Guessing Game with Friends

Teach your friends these words and then play a guessing game! Give them hints or describe a situation using one of the words, and they can guess which word fits best.

For example, if you say, “This is a happy feeling that doesn’t last long,” they can guess, “ephemeral!”

4. Use Them in Conversations with Family

Show your parents or siblings these new words and use them in everyday conversations. For instance, if you see a colorful sunset, you can say, “This sunset is ineffable!”

Final Suggestion

Learning new words opens a world of possibilities for you to express your thoughts, and it makes reading, writing, and talking more exciting.

So, dive into these words, and let’s add a little magic to your conversations!

This revised version now includes Hindi translations with each example, making it accessible and relatable for Indian kids learning these new English words.

Let me know if you’d like more examples or additional practice activities!

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